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In a tale that appears to be more Bad Blood than Love Story, Taylor Swift fans are shaking off AI-generated images that depict the superstar endorsing former President Donald Trump.


Shared on Trump’s social media platform Truth Social, the posters urge supporters to cast their ballots for him in the upcoming 2024 election.




Alas, Swifties aren’t buying the inauthentic-looking imagery.


"You’d have to be dumb as rocks to lie about Taylor Swift and think you can fool Swifties,” one person comments on X (formerly Twitter).


Another chimes in, “Swifties for Trump may be a thing, but Swift for Trump most definitely is NOT.”




Swift, who previously threw her support behind the Biden-Harris ticket and hasn’t shied away from criticizing Trump, has yet to address this unauthorized campaign.


However, her fans are making their voices heard, with many calling for legal action against the former president for the misappropriation of her likeness and identity.


Neama Rahmani, president of West Coast Trial Lawyers, weighs in on the potential legal ramifications, telling Business Insider that privacy torts protect individuals from having their name, image, or likeness used without permission—and that goes for AI manipulations too. However, the success of any potential lawsuit remains unpredictable.


Nonetheless, when it comes to defending their idol, Swifties are certainly ready for it.







Opening image: Marie Elena Sager | Dreamstime.com

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