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Apple's Steve Jobs replaced his car with the same exact model every 6 months

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Photo: Chuck Nacke / Alamy Stock Photo


Steve Jobs was a man of consistency, from his iconic black turtleneck and jeans to his minimalist design philosophy at Apple. But his preference for uniformity didn’t stop at his wardrobe. It extended to his choice of cars—and his creative use of a legal loophole. Jobs had a unique habit of replacing his car every six months, always opting for the same make, model, and color: a black Porsche 911. This, however, wasn’t just a quirk of taste; it was a calculated move to avoid one thing he disliked: license plates.


In the early 2000s, California law allowed new car owners to drive without a license plate for the first six months after purchase. Jobs, never one to compromise on aesthetics, took full advantage of this loophole by leasing a new Porsche 911 every six months. By doing so, he could keep his sleek car free of the unsightly license plate he so disliked.


This habit was well known among those close to him, including Jon Callas, a computer security expert and former Apple employee, who confirmed that Jobs’ aversion to license plates was no secret.


A Porsche 911 convertible. Photo: Schlenger86 | Dreamstime.com


Jobs’ daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs, also touched on this peculiar habit in her memoir Small Fry, revealing that her father’s reluctance to hold onto his cars—even for family—stemmed from his preference for simplicity and order, not a desire to flaunt his wealth. Despite his fortune, Jobs’ car-swapping routine reflected a practical, albeit unconventional, approach to maintaining a clean design.


California eventually closed this loophole in 2019, requiring all vehicles to display license plates from the moment they hit the road. Had Jobs still been around, he would have had to make peace with a small piece of metal attached to his beloved Porsche.




Images: Chuck Nacke / Alamy Stock Photo, Schlenger86 | Dreamstime.com

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