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Nintendo is shuttering 'Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp' mobile game after 7 great years


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Get ready to pack up your virtual campsite, as Nintendo’s cozy corner of the mobile gaming world is about to become a ghost town. The company has announced that Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp will be hanging up its ‘Gone Fishing’ sign for good on November 28, 2024, after a delightful seven-year run.


Since its launch in November 2017, Pocket Camp has been a digital escape for millions of mobile users worldwide. The charm of creating a personalized campsite, befriending quirky animal villagers, and tackling daily tasks has captivated fans, offering a pocket-sized slice of the larger Animal Crossing universe.


As a free-to-play social simulation game, Pocket Camp brought the essence of Animal Crossing to iOS and Android devices. Players step into the shoes of a campsite manager, wielding creative control over their palm-sized oasis. From selecting the perfect furniture to curating their wardrobe, the game has offered endless possibilities for self-expression.




The shutdown will see all online services for Pocket Camp come to an end, effectively rendering the game unplayable in its current form. 


However, Nintendo isn’t leaving its dedicated fanbase high and dry. The company has revealed plans for a one-time paid offline version of the game, allowing players to transfer their save data and continue their camping adventures without the need for an internet connection. While this new iteration won’t include in-app purchases, subscription services like the Pocket Camp Club, or online features such as Market Boxes and campsite visits, it does offer a way for players to hold onto their carefully crafted virtual worlds.


Of course, that means the social aspect—which has been a cornerstone of both Pocket Camp and its Nintendo Switch counterpart, Animal Crossing: New Horizons—will be absent. The joy of connecting with friends and strangers alike in this whimsical world has been a major draw for many players, making its loss particularly poignant.


While the campfire may be going out, the memories and friendships forged in this digital wilderness will undoubtedly live on.




Images: Nintendo

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