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Brick by brick, Pixar’s beloved characters are getting a blocky makeover that’s sure to have fans building up their excitement. The animation giant has unveiled the trailer for LEGO Pixar: Bricktoons, a new series that promises to stack up the laughs when it debuts on Disney+ this September.




Set to premiere on September 4, 2024, this animated shorts series will construct fresh adventures for characters from five of Pixar's most cherished films. Fans can look forward to seeing their favorites from Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, Brave, and Coco reimagined in LEGO and minifigure forms, bringing a whole new dimension to these familiar faces.




The series will comprise five episodes, each focusing on a different Pixar classic. Viewers will get to dive back into the ocean with Marlin and Dory, suit up with the Parr family, race alongside Lightning McQueen and Mater, brave the Scottish highlands with Merida and her mischievous brothers, and strum along with Miguel and Hector in the Land of the Dead. Catch the trailer below.

















Images: Disney+ and Pixar

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