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Raygun inspires series of light artworks in California desert eternalizing viral Olympic breakdancing performance

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Image: © Paul Kitagaki, Jr./ZUMA Press Wire / Alamy Stock Photo


Olympic breakdancer Raygun’s contentious routine has been brought to illuminating life through a series of captivating light paintings by photographer Darren Pearson, known by his artistic alias DARIUSTWIN. Set against the stark beauty of the California desert, Pearson’s work reimagines the dancer’s moves in a kaleidoscope of light and motion.


Raygun, whose given name is Rachel Gunn, fell under the spotlight for her unorthodox choreography resembling the mannerisms of a kangaroo and puppy. Her participation in the much-revered Games sparked a visceral reaction around the world, leading to a petition signed by over 50,000 people demanding an apology for what they saw as an embarrassment to the sport and her country.


In spite of the backlash, DARUSTWIN’s artworks present Raygun’s performance in a different light—quite literally. Through his lens, her routine becomes a dynamic dance of light and movement. Using his Sony Alpha 7R V camera, Pearson captured 44 individual images, each with a 60-second exposure. These photos were then animated into a short video that even includes the original sound from Raygun’s Olympic routine.



Lights, camera, breakdance, indeed!




Image: © Paul Kitagaki, Jr./ZUMA Press Wire / Alamy Stock Photo

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