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Costco's NSFW cup lid design goes viral after Reddit user shares unintentional 'ballsy' discovery

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An eagle-eyed Reddit user has unintentionally become an internet sensation after sharing a photo of a Costco cup with a lid resembling a phallus. The image, uploaded on August 19, has quickly gone viral, sparking a wave of humorous and NSFW reactions from online users.


In the post, @Tommyjv jokingly questioned Costco's design choices, writing, "Costco just expects me to drink from the balls of my lid?" The photo shows a dark beverage in a paper cup with the controversial lid design, which has become the subject of much discussion.


Users have expressed a mix of amusement and bewilderment over the accidental discovery. Some have clarified that the tab on the lid is supposed to be pushed down instead of up as per instructions.


The viral cup lid incident has left Costco in an awkward position. Will the company address the unintentional phallic design or simply let the internet have its fun? Or perhaps, they'll even jump on the bandwagon with a humorous response or a limited-edition 'NSFW' cup series?


Have you encountered any other unfortunate design flaws in everyday items? Share your experiences in the comments below.



Image: Ken Wolter | Dreamstime.com

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