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Anime fans are in for a titan-sized treat. KFC in Hong Kong has cooked up a finger-lickin’ collaboration with the hit series Attack on Titan in time for its final season.


The main course of the culinary crossover is a striking poster featuring the anime’s beloved characters, including Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman, chowing down on KFC’s crispy chicken. In a humorous twist, the usually terrifying Titans are depicted as suit-clad businessmen on the prowl for their next meal.



From August 22 to September 18, 2024, fans can also immerse themselves in the world of Attack on Titan at specially themed KFC outlets. These locations will offer exclusive merchandise, including standees, keychains, and limited-edition postcards, allowing fans to take a piece of the action home with them.





The campaign aligns perfectly with the release of Attack on Titan: The Last Attack, a compilation film that wraps up the anime’s epic finale.


Meanwhile, across the Pacific, another fast-food giant is cooking up its own pop-culture storm. McDonald’s has launched a nostalgia-fueled collaboration in the US, bringing together Hello Kitty and Yu-Gi-Oh!. This promotion, which follows successful launches in other parts of the world, celebrates Hello Kitty's 50th birthday in style. Nine unique plush toys, each blending Hello Kitty characters with iconic Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, are now available in Happy Meals.


Previously, the Golden Arches also teamed up with the wildly popular anime series Jujutsu Kaisen to conjure up the Special Grade Garlic Sauce in the US, drawing inspiration from the cult favorite Black Garlic Sauce that’s been tantalizing palates in Japan. The sauce containers faetured eye-catching designs showcasing beloved characters from the series, including the spirited Yuji Itadori and the enigmatic Satoru Gojo.




Opening image: KFC HK

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