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Typing 4 characters into your Apple iPhone will cause it to crash

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A recently discovered bug on Apple’s iOS sees a specific sequence of four characters momentarily crash your iPhone’s interface. Identified by a security researcher known as Konstantin, the bug is triggered when users type "":: into certain search fields, including the App Library, Spotlight Search, or Settings.


While this bug isn’t a major security threat or does lasting damage, it does create a brief disruption by causing the iPhone’s interface, known as SpringBoard, to crash before returning to normal. The glitch appears to be related to the combination of quotation marks and colons, with similar crashes occurring when variations like "": followed by any character are typed.


Different versions of iOS react differently to this bug. For instance, iOS 17 users might experience a short SpringBoard crash, while those on iOS 18 could see a quick freeze in Spotlight Search.






Image: Yaroslav Litun | Dreamstime.com

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