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LEGO is shifting gears and zooming into the world of Mario Kart, bringing a whole new meaning to “block party” on the racetrack. Unveiled at Gamescom, six Super Mario: Mario Kart sets mark the first time Nintendo’s beloved franchise has been immortalized in LEGO form. They’re set to hit shelves on January 1, 2025.




From Yoshi’s zippy bike to Donkey Kong's jumbo ride, the new collection will cover a wide spectrum of Mario Kart’s iconic elements. Fans can look forward to constructing everything from the classic Standard Kart to Baby Mario and Luigi’s balloon battle, Baby Peach’s Wild Wiggler, and Lemmy’s Landship kart.




The builds cater to various age groups, with piece counts ranging from a manageable 133 to a more challenging 823.








Racers can bring more of the Mario Kart experience to life by adding the separately sold LEGO Mario, Luigi, or Peach figures to the setups, which will activate authentic game sounds and visual effects.


The sets also offer ample opportunity for creativity. Builders can customize their karts, design their own tracks, and even set up pit stops with Toad’s Garage set, creating their own Mario Kart universe brick by brick.




“We are beyond excited to turbo-charge our LEGO Super Mario universe with the reveal of these latest Mario Kart sets… We can’t wait for builders of all ages to put their pedal to the metal and bring Mario Kart races to brick-built reality at home with friends and family,” notes LEGO Group design director Simon Kent. “The brand-new LEGO Super Mario: Mario Kart sets provide an immersive building experience and capture the heart-pounding action of the beloved video game series—showing fans that the world is your track like never before!”


Ready, set, build! Just remember, no matter how tempting, throwing actual LEGO banana peels on the floor is not recommended!





Images: LEGO

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