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In 'Black Myth: Wukong', ferocious tiger boss was played by cute cats in motion capture suits


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Black Myth: Wukong is the talk of the gaming world—and the cat’s meow. The Chinese action role-playing game’s breathtaking graphics recreate the mythical landscapes and creatures of the Journey to the West, a classic Chinese novel that serves as the game’s inspiration. This love letter to Chinese mythology and folklore has a fast-paced and fluid combat system, allowing players to unleash a variety of devastating attacks with precision and style.


Well, it seems that Game Science, the studio behind the critically acclaimed game, took a rather unconventional route when animating the fearsome Tiger Vanguard boss. Instead of relying solely on traditional animation techniques, it turned to the most unlikely of sources: adorable, fluffy felines.


In a 2022 New Year trailer, the team revealed their quirky approach, showcasing how they used real-life cats to capture the quadrupedal motions needed for the intimidating boss. The idea was simple yet ingenious: let the cats roam freely in a studio setting and record their natural movements.



“They say you don’t adopt a cat. Cats adopt you,” said animation specialist Gao. “If you want to put them in a studio, and [make them] do routines you give them, sorry, that won’t happen.”


He continued: “We had this simple idea. Quantity over quality. First, we set up a premise. Put cats inside, set them loose. Do whatever they like.”








Image: Black Myth: Wukong

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