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KFC & Kraft Dinner whip up comforting fusion mac & cheese and more

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KFC Canada and Kraft Dinner are a match made in comfort food heaven, it seems. The pair have cooked up a series of limited-edition menu items that are sure to satisfy your cravings for both crispy and cheesy goodness.


The first item on the menu is the KD KFC Original Recipe Flavor Mac ’n Cheese. This nostalgic offering takes the classic KD recipe and adds a secret blend of 11 herbs and spices straight from KFC’s Original Recipe.




If you’re looking for a meal that’s both satisfying and delicious, then the KD Mac & Cheese Chicken Sandwich is for you. This sandwich features a crispy chicken fillet topped with KD Mac 'n Cheese and mayo, all nestled in a soft potato bun. It's a combination of textures and flavors that's sure to hit the spot.




A post shared by KFC Canada (@kfc_canada)





For those who prefer a more portable option, the KD Mac & Cheese Snacker Wrap is the perfect choice. This wrap combines a crispy chicken tender with KD Mac 'n Cheese, all wrapped up in a warm flour tortilla. It's a delicious and convenient way to enjoy the best of both worlds.










Images: KFC Canada

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