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Balenciaga's new 'destroyed' tights are already coming apart at the seams, for a price

Garth Gator

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Balenciaga is ripping up the fashion rulebook—quite literally—with ‘Destroyed Tights’ that come with a price tag enough to make your eyes water.


Priced at an eye-watering US$1,490, the bottomwear comes pre-laddered and holey. For those keeping score at home, that’s over US$500 more than the cost of Balenciaga’s intact active leggings, priced at US$925.




Crafted in Italy, these tights are made from a technical knit fabric blend of polyamide and elastane. This black and light beige number uses a “contrasted double fabric” and an elasticated waistband for comfort. After all, if you're going to wear tights that look like they’ve already been through the wringer, they might as well feel comfortable in a well-worn way.





Images: Balenciaga

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