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Download Apple's 'It's Glowtime' invite as free light & dark wallpapers for iPhone, Mac, iPad


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Apple’s invite for its upcoming It’s Glowtime flagship event has sent heads spinning in myriad ways. One graphic artist is riding the colorful wave, transforming the swirling, illuminated hues of the teaser into a dazzling set of free wallpapers.


Basic Apple Guy eternalizes the invitation’s kaleidoscope of colors spiraling around the Apple logo. Speculation is rife about the next iPhone 16 lineup, which is said to glow at its corners when Siri is activated and is boosted by Apple Intelligence.



Fans can now glow up their devices ahead of the September 9 keynote through eye-catching backgrounds for iPhones, iPads, and desktops, available on Basic Apple Guy’s blog. Full-color and dark mode versions have been created to make any time “Glowtime” no matter the time of day or a user’s display preferences.




Opening image: Apple

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