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Supermarket's fruity posters remind you to examine your breasts like produce


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Fruit for thought: a supermarket chain in Bolivia is making a juicy attempt on breast health awareness, teaming up with Ogilvy Bolivia to plant the seeds for prevention.


Addressing a concerning statistic—that only one in four women knows how to properly check their breasts for signs of cancer—the #TouchYourBreasts campaign by the Ketal hypermart and advertising agency draws parallels between fruit inspections and breast self-exams, highlighting how the ripeness, texture, and imperfections we look for in produce can mirror potential symptoms.




Lumps in avocados, textural changes in orange peels, and spots on mangoes or papayas all serve as tactile reminders for women to be vigilant about their breast health.




Grocery aisles have been turned into unexpected life-saving spaces as the initiative has become a permanent feature in the store, with fruit stickers sporting QR codes that lead customers to self-check instructions and emergency appointment contacts. Ketal has also partnered with a prominent local clinic to offer breast cancer screenings.




The impact has been significant, says Henry Medina, president and chief creative officer of Ogilvy Bolivia, who notes that within weeks of launch, the campaign reached half of Santa Cruz de la Sierra’s population—one million out of two million inhabitants.





Images: Henry Medina / Ogilvy Bolivia

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