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Punk rock meets percolation in a bold new special that’s sure to leave a lasting impression… on your skin. Coffee lovers and Green Day fans are in for a jolt as 7-Eleven and Punk Bunny Coffee, the band’s coffee joint, brew up a deal that requires you to get inked.


On August 28, the 7-Eleven at 800 6th Ave in New York City transformed into a caffeine-fueled tattoo parlor of sorts. The first 50 brave souls aged 21 and over who get inked with a custom (semi-permanent) 7-Eleven x Punk Bunny design will earn themselves 711 days of free coffee—that’s almost two whole years of java you don’t have to reach into your pockets for.




The adorable body artwork features the Punk Bunny Coffee mascot holding a paper cup branded with the 7-Eleven logo.




This unusually etched partnership celebrates dual milestones—Green Day’s iconic Dookie album turning 30 and 7-Eleven marking six decades since introducing freshly brewed coffee in to-go cups. To commemorate these anniversaries, the convenience store giant has enlisted the talents of Lady Cobra, a Bay Area tattoo artist who shares hometown roots with Green Day.


Punk Bunny Coffee, the band’s foray into the world of caffeinated beverages, is also launching an exclusive Anniversary Blend for the occasion. This special brew will be available at 7-Eleven, Speedway, and Stripes stores across the nation, offering fans a taste of rock ‘n’ roll in every cup.


7-Eleven, on its part, has released co-branded merchandise for those who’d rather have their art on their sleeve, not skin, on its 7Collection store.






Images: Ricochet69 | Dreamstime.com, PR Newswire, 7Collection

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