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LEGO fans, this website shows what other marvelous builds you can assemble with your existing bricks


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Ever stared at your LEGO collection, overwhelmed by the possibilities but unsure of where to start? Rebrickable might be the answer. This popular online platform encourages fans to build beyond the box and unlock the full potential of their plastic brick piles.


At its core, Rebrickable, followed by the official LEGO account on X (formerly Twitter), is a vast repository of over 131,000 fan-designed models, affectionately known as MOCs (My Own Creations). These custom builds come complete with step-by-step instructions, allowing users to construct everything from miniature marvels to colossal creations. This bustling community is also where LEGO lovers can share and even sell their own designs.






Coming in handy is the inventory tool, which allows builders to catalog their existing LEGO bricks and discover which custom designs they can build without buying a single new piece. This way, users save money and reduce waste while breathing new life into their collections, and forgotten bricks find purpose in fresh constructions.



Intriguingly, Rebrickable has emerged as the largest marketplace for MOCs, transforming a pastime into a potential paycheck for creative builders.







Opening image: Rattanachai Singtrangarn | Dreamstime.com

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