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Greenpeace's latest campaign slams Dove for plastic pollution crisis, exposing the dark side of its 'Real Beauty' legacy


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In a striking exposé, Greenpeace has unveiled Dove's environmental harm, undermining the brand's reputation for promoting Real Beauty. As Dove celebrates its iconic campaign's 20th anniversary, Greenpeace's findings highlight the discrepancy between Dove's marketing and its environmental impact.


Greenpeace’s latest film, Toxic Influence, directed by BAFTA-nominated Alice Russell, features mothers and daughters initially praising Dove’s marketing before confronting the harsh realities of plastic pollution. The film exposes widespread misconceptions about the brand’s environmental stance. One woman featured in the film even states, “When I think of Dove, I think of products that are good for the environment, good for your skin.”



The film, set to be promoted across major social media platforms, challenges Dove's public image as a socially responsible brand. Greenpeace aims to empower young people to fight against corporate greenwashing and demand action on Dove's toxic plastic pollution, ensuring a healthier future for children worldwide.


Greenpeace's campaign against Dove has not been limited to digital media. In a dramatic protest at Unilever's World Headquarters in London, Greenpeace activists staged a blockade, locking themselves onto barricades resembling giant Dove products. Climbers unfurled a massive banner across the building's facade, proclaiming 'Real Beauty isn't this toxic,' and demanding that Dove abandon its reliance on plastic.







The impact of Dove’s plastic waste is particularly severe in developing nations such as the Philippines, Indonesia, and India. Greenpeace activists have documented how this pollution clogs drainage systems, pollutes waterways, and exacerbates flooding in local communities— the very people Dove claims to support through its marketing campaigns.




Greenpeace is calling on Dove to take immediate action to address the environmental impact of plastic pollution. They urge the company to stop using plastic sachets and transition to more sustainable packaging options. Additionally, Greenpeace encourages consumers to boycott Dove products until these changes are implemented.


Unilever, Dove’s parent company, has responded to these criticisms to The Drum. A spokesperson stated that the company aims to end plastic pollution through reduction, circulation, and collaboration. They highlighted Unilever’s progress in reducing virgin plastic use by 18% and increasing recycled plastic content to 22%. However, they acknowledged that more work is needed and emphasized their commitment to developing alternatives to hard-to-recycle plastics and supporting a UN treaty on plastic pollution.


Greenpeace's campaign against Dove showcases the impact of activism on exposing corporate greenwashing and driving environmental change. By targeting a prominent brand, Greenpeace aims to initiate broader discussions about corporate responsibility and sustainability within the beauty industry.


How effective are Greenpeace's tactics in influencing corporate environmental behavior, and what other strategies could contribute to long-term shifts in the industry?



Images: Greenpeace UK

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