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Ready to give your tech a touch of high art? The Louvre and Casetify are back for a third round of artistic accessories that feel like they’ve stepped right out of the museum. This time, the duo has turned their attention to the timeless elegance of black and white.




This latest collection showcases pieces like Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, and Venus de Milo—all reimagined in elegant monochromatic collages. The designs are inspired by traditional printmaking techniques, highlighting the fine details and refined beauty of these classic artworks.






For those who want to wear their passion on their sleeve (or more specifically, shoulder), the line includes rope crossbody straps adorned with cards featuring museum artifacts, allowing you to carry a piece of art history wherever you go.






The latest drop is compatible with various tech products, including Apple’s latest iPhone 16 lineup. And yes, of course you can touch the art.






Images: Casetify


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