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BLACKPINK's Lisa's 'Rockstar' recognized as perfect song to save lives by American Heart Association

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If you’re a K-pop fan and ever find yourself in a life-or-death situation, BLACKPINK’s Lisa may just save the day—well, her song might. The American Heart Association (AHA) has spotlighted Lisa’s track Rockstar as the perfect rhythm to keep in mind when performing Hands-Only CPR. 


With a tempo of 120 beats per minute, the song’s steady beat matches the ideal pace for chest compressions during CPR, potentially turning music into a lifesaver.



The AHA has long encouraged people to hum songs with a tempo of 100 to 120 beats per minute when performing CPR, and while the Bee Gees’ classic Staying Alive is the go-to track, Lisa’s Rockstar offers a fresh option for K-pop enthusiasts.



CPR is all about keeping the heart pumping at the right speed, and this song’s rhythm syncs up with the crucial compression pace.



To broaden public awareness, the AHA previously released the Don’t Drop the Beat playlist, a fun yet educational collection of songs that can guide you through CPR. Besides the standard Staying Alive, the playlist includes hits like Shakira’s Hips Don’t Lie, Lady Gaga’s Just Dance, Beyoncé’s Crazy in Love, and Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk. Each track follows the same life-saving tempo.



By associating popular tunes with CPR, the AHA is making the technique more accessible and memorable for the public. After all, in a high-stress scenario, remembering a catchy song might be easier than recalling medical instructions.


Who knows? Lisa’s Rockstar could be someone’s actual hero one day.





Image: LLOUD Official

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