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Crocs is stepping into the superhero spotlight with its latest collaboration: The Batman x Crocs Classic Clogs. Inspired by the Batmobile, these clogs celebrate the Caped Crusader just in time for his 85th anniversary. Whether you're fighting crime or just strolling through the streets, these Crocs let you channel your inner Dark Knight—comfortably, of course.




Sporting a matte black design that pays homage to the 1989 Batman film’s iconic Batmobile, these clogs feature bat wings on the strap, an exhaust detail on the heel, yellow headlights, and the unmistakable Bat symbol on the insole.






As with any Crocs design, customization is key. This Batman edition allows for personalization with up to 26 Jibbitz charms, so fans can add their own touch to these hero-worthy shoes. 


Priced at $69.99, they’re available in a range of sizes for both kids and adults, ensuring no Bat-fan is left out.







Images: Crocs

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