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Coca-Cola & Bacardi team up to launch ready-to-drink rum cocktail

Garth Gator

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Coca-Cola and Bacardi are shaking things up with a new ready-to-drink (RTD) cocktail that brings together two iconic flavors: Bacardi rum and Coca-Cola. Set to hit select European markets and Mexico in 2025, this convenient pre-mixed cocktail aims to offer consumers a fresh way to enjoy a timeless classic without the need for a bartender. For fans of the Cuba Libre, this new drink will make sipping the popular combo even easier.


This partnership is rooted in history. The Cuba Libre cocktail was first mixed in 1900 at an American Bar in Havana using BACARDĂŤ rum, Coca-Cola, and a squeeze of lime. Over a century later, the combination remains a global favorite at bars. Now, both brands are reimagining the cocktail for modern times, packaging it in a convenient RTD format that aligns with today's demand for both quality and ease.


Bacardi CEO Mahesh Madhavan expressed excitement about the collaboration, noting how the partnership brings together “two iconic brands” to offer a drink that's been enjoyed for generations. The RTD cocktail will make it even more accessible for consumers to enjoy the classic rum and Coke in a ready-made format.


“We are excited to bring together two iconic brands so that consumers may enjoy one of the most world’s most popular cocktails—first invented generations ago with BACARDÍ rum and Coca-Cola—in a high-quality, convenient format,” explains Madhavan. “Through this relationship, we will expand our reach and accessibility so that even more consumers of legal drinking age can enjoy this classic BACARDÍ rum and Coca-Cola cocktail.”




Image: The Coca-Cola Company

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