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Hacks star Megan Stalter turns 'sinfluencer' for e.l.f. SKIN's 'Divine Skintervention' campaign


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e.l.f. SKIN has launched its most ambitious campaign yet: 'Divine Skintervention,' starring comedian and actress Megan Stalter. Known for her breakout role in the Emmy-winning comedy series Hacks, Stalter brings her comedic talents to this innovative marketing effort as the mischievous 'Sinfluencer.'




The campaign cleverly tackles common skincare faux pas, playfully dubbed "skin sins." These include familiar missteps like falling asleep with makeup on, succumbing to the urge to pop pimples, or skipping sun protection. Stalter's character impishly tempts viewers to indulge in these skincare missteps but with a twist—e.l.f. SKIN swoops in as the savior, offering redemption through its Holy Hydration! product line.

Developed by Day One Agency, the humorous campaign extends its reach across multiple platforms, including social media, popular streaming services like Disney+ and Amazon, and out-of-home advertising. The campaign also features interactive elements, allowing users to "confess" their skincare sins on dedicated landing pages and receive personalized product recommendations.

The campaign's primary target is Gen Z, a demographic that e.l.f. SKIN recognizes as passionate about skincare yet prone to occasional lapses. By leveraging humor and relatable scenarios, 'Divine Skintervention' aims to demystify skincare routines and make them more engaging for this young, enthusiastic audience.




The beauty brand's approach is refreshingly down-to-earth. Rather than placing proper skincare on a pedestal, the brand seeks to dispel the notion that skin care is a complex or burdensome task. This strategy aligns perfectly with e.l.f. SKIN's core mission: delivering premium-quality skincare at accessible prices. The brand prides itself on offering straightforward, uncomplicated solutions, all while adhering to clean, cruelty-free, and vegan formulations.


'Divine Skintervention' is e.l.f. Skin's playful take on the idea that skincare doesn't have to be perfect to be effective. By combining star power, humor, and practical advice, the campaign proves that in the world of beauty, a little self-awareness and laughter can go a long way in connecting with consumers and making skincare more approachable.



Images: E.l.f. Skin / Business Wire

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