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From accidental leaks to deliberate invasions, the risk of non-consensual recording during intimate moments has become a growing concern. Enter ‘CAMDOM’, the world’s first “digital condom” that’s aiming to change the game.


Created by German condom brand BILLY BOY and advertising agency Innocean Berlin for World Sexual Health Awareness Month, CAMDOM is an app that acts as a virtual barrier, blocking cameras and microphones on smartphones to prevent any unauthorized captures during sexual encounters.



CAMDOM is meant to be as simple to use as putting on a rubber. Before intimacy, users place their phones together and swipe down a virtual button, activating a digital shield that blocks all cameras and microphones. The app can be activated on multiple devices simultaneously.


If someone tries to disable the app, an alarm is triggered, alerting both parties to the potential breach. CAMDOM uses Bluetooth technology to circumvent unwanted recordings.



Non-consensual sharing of nudes has become a widespread issue. Once leaked, such material can spread rapidly, potentially causing severe emotional distress, job loss, and even suicidal thoughts among victims.


App developer Felipe Almeida points out the necessity of such a tool in our hyper-connected world. “Smartphones have become an extension of our body,” he notes, highlighting the vast amount of sensitive data we carry around. 



A post shared by BILLY BOY (@billy_boy_de)


Billy Boy, known for its mission to safely unlock pleasure, sees the digital condom as an extension of its philosophy. Alexander Strümann, the brand’s manager, explains that while traditional rubbers protect in the physical world, CAMDOM is designed to safeguard privacy in the digital age, tackling threats that no physical condom could.


CAMDOM is currently available on Android devices, with an iOS version in the pipeline. 



Images: Ilkin Guliyev | Dreamstime.com, Billy Boy

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