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Used Tesla Cybertruck prices now falling below original sale price

Garth Gator

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Initially, the Tesla Cybertruck’s allure was so strong that early adopters were flipping their vehicles for profit. Some lucky owners managed to flip their angular automobiles for over $200,000, more than double the original price. But as Tesla’s Gigafactory in Texas kicked into high gear, the used Cybertruck market began to lose its charge.


CarGurus reports that the average price of a pre-owned Cybertruck has taken a nosedive, plummeting by 50% since January. These electric behemoths now fetch around $119,810 on average—a figure that's close to the $100,000 starting price of a new tri-motor model. 


Other car sites like Autotrader reveal the extent of this price correction. As of September 22, low-mileage “AWD Crew Cab” (dual-motor) Cybertrucks were available for less than $100,000, with some dipping below the $95,000 mark. Compare that to Tesla's website, where the cheapest new Cybertruck—a Dual Motor All-Wheel Drive with 318 miles of range—still commands $99,990.


However, as production ramped up and delivery times shortened, the market began to adjust. Additionally, the company's decision to remove the $61,000 rear-wheel-drive trim from its lineup may have inadvertently stabilized prices, as new buyers now face a minimum $100,000 investment for a fresh-from-the-factory pickup.


The Cybertruck isn’t the only one affected by the price crash. The broader used electric vehicle industry itself has seen values drop by 20.5% year-over-year. And while the Cybertruck remains a distinctive and popular vehicle, its market dynamics are clearly shifting as Tesla works to meet demand with increased supply.




Image: Jonathan Weiss | Dreamstime.com

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