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The purr-fectly charming world of Neko Atsume, the wildly popular idle game also known as Kitty Collector, is about to expand with its long-awaited sequel, set to launch in Fall 2024.


Available on both iOS and Android, Neko Atsume 2 will remain free-to-play, though players can expect optional in-app purchases and ads, much like the first installment.




For those unfamiliar with Neko Atsume, the original, which launched in 2014, was all about the simple joy of attracting cats to your virtual yard by leaving out food and toys. The sequel aims to build on this by adding a social layer—players will now be able to visit each other’s yards and take in the creative setups put together by their friends.




Neko Atsume 2 also promises more dynamic interactions between felines and objects. Now, cats won’t just lounge around—they’ll actually play with the toys to the point of breaking them, leaving players with the task of repairing items to keep their furry visitors entertained.




Furthermore, the sequel introduces mysterious new cats to discover through special interactions, inviting players to step beyond the familiar formulas for prolonging characters’ stays.




The new gang includes ‘Myneko’, whose appearance can be customized by fans who opt-in for the game’s subscription tier.




Though originally slated for a Summer 2024 release, the game’s launch was pushed to Fall.



And while part two brings exciting changes, Hit-Point hasn't forgotten its roots, assuring fans that the original Neko Atsume will continue to receive updates so dedicated players can nurture their existing cat collections without interruption.





Images: Neko Atsume / Hit-Point

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