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Pesto the chunky baby penguin takes the internet by storm and even catches Katy Perry's eye

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Image: SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium


Sorry, Moo Deng, there’s a new baby on the block stealing the spotlight—and he’s got some serious flipper game! Meet Pesto, the king penguin chick from Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, who’s waddled his way into viral stardom and the hearts of millions. This round, chocolate-brown puffball has quickly become the internet’s latest sensation, even catching the attention of superstar Katy Perry!



Pesto’s journey from tiny fluff to internet royalty began in January when he hatched at a mere 200 grams. Fast-forward nine months, and this little guy now weighs an impressive 22.5 kilograms (49 pounds), making him the largest penguin chick the aquarium has ever seen. Fans have lovingly dubbed him names like “absolute unit,” “fatty,” and “linebacker,” and for good reason—he towers over his parents, who are just 11 kilograms (24 pounds) each.



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Pesto’s daily schedule? Eat, eat, and... more eating. He chomps down on about 30 fish a day—twice what an adult king penguin eats—and shows no signs of slowing down. While his hefty size might surprise some, aquarium staff assure everyone he’s perfectly healthy, thanks to excellent parenting and genetics. “His biological dad, Blake, is our biggest and oldest penguin,” the aquarium noted, praising Pesto’s nurturing upbringing.

Despite his larger-than-life appearance, Pesto is incredibly social. He loves interacting with his keepers and fellow penguins, showing off his playful personality and signature “cute little whistle.” Whether he’s swimming or waddling around the exhibit, Pesto knows how to charm an audience.

Pesto’s viral fame hasn’t just entertained millions; it has also highlighted the importance of wildlife conservation. Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium has seen a surge in visitors, all eager to meet the famous chick up close. This newfound attention offers a perfect chance to educate the public about the challenges penguins and other marine species face in the wild.


Soon, Pesto will shed his fluffy baby down and grow sleek adult feathers. While he might lose some of his chubby charm, we’re sure he’ll continue melting hearts. So, what do you say? Will you be booking a trip to Melbourne to meet this adorable star in person?




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