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Texas Tech's hockey team rolls out 'Tortilla' uniforms, wrapping tradition into its fabric

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Texas Tech University’s new club hockey uniforms look too good to eat, truly. In a tasty nod to one of college sports’ quirkiest traditions, the team has unveiled tortilla-themed jerseys for the upcoming season.


Cooked up by X Jerseys, the uniforms sport a toasty texture quite like the kind on flatbreads, honoring the famous habit of Texas Tech’s Red Raiders that see them tossing tortillas onto the field during football games. This unusual practice caught the nation’s eye during the 2019 NCAA men’s basketball championship game when enthusiastic Texas Tech fans brought their floury projectiles to the arena.


Now, that same heat is about to hit the ice, specifically the ice rink. With these uniforms, the entire team will be wrapped in edible Texas Tech folklore every time they take to the ice.




A post shared by X Jerseys (@xjerseys.us)



For fans eager to get their hands on these unique pieces, there’s good news. Both jerseys and hoodies sporting the tortilla design will be available for purchase, with X Jerseys donating a portion of the proceeds from every garment sold to the hockey association’s scholarship funds and mental health awareness initiatives.



However, like a fresh batch of real tortillas, these ones won’t be around forever. They’ll only come in piping hot until October 3, so sports enthusiasts will need to act faster than a hockey puck on freshly zambonied ice.





Images: Texas Tech Hockey Club, X Jerseys

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