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Google Chromebook Gets Biggest Upgrade With Built-In AI, Support For Adobe Tools


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Over a decade since the initial low-power, user-friendly, and cost-effective Chrome OS laptops were introduced, Google has unveiled the Chromebook Plus lineup, introducing a performance-oriented category complete with integrated AI capabilities.The Chromebook Plus initiative is Google’s answer to the demand for more consistent and robust specifications in Chromebooks. These new devices, sporting Intel Core or AMD Ryzen (7000 series) processors, a minimum of 8GB of RAM, and 128GB of storage, offer a step up in performance. A 1080p IPS display ensures a crisp visual experience and a high-resolution webcam improves video conferencing capabilities.

To realize this initiative, Google has partnered with several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Partners like HP, Acer, ASUS, and Lenovo have collaborated to release eight distinct Chromebook Plus models. These Chromebooks span a variety of screen sizes, with most featuring 14-inch displays and a starting price of US$399.

Aside from new hardware, Chromebook Plus models come equipped with a suite of advanced software features. These enhancements include the Material You design, dynamic wallpapers, and the Magic Eraser tool in Google Photos, which collectively contribute to a more engaging user experience. Moreover, AI-powered improvements for video calls in Google Meet will be available across platforms.

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