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The digital world is abuzz with the latest news about Microsoft’s Sticky Notes. Revealed in a leak, the popular note-taking app seems set to undergo a significant transformation, with a new purple logo and interface. This change is not just cosmetic; it suggests a closer connection between Sticky Notes and Microsoft’s other popular note-taking app, OneNote.


The revamped Sticky Notes app is expected to feature a dedicated “Recent Notes” section and a search bar, making it easier for users to organize and find their notes. Additionally, the update will introduce rich text formatting options, allowing users to add more flair to their notes.


This makeover has sparked speculation that Sticky Notes might become a sub-app within OneNote. While Microsoft has not confirmed this, the integration of the two apps seems likely. This would mean that users could access their sticky notes through OneNote, offering a seamless note-taking experience across platforms.


The exact release date of the updated Sticky Notes app remains a mystery, adding to the anticipation. Whether you’re a long-time user of Sticky Notes or new to the app, this update is certainly one to watch.


As we await further details, one question remains: How would purple sticky notes change your note-taking habits? Share your thoughts below!

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