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Tomb Raider’s creators unveil new look of Lara Croft

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The iconic Tomb Raider series has unveiled a fresh look for its beloved protagonist, Lara Croft, merging her classic and reboot looks for the first time. This new design has been revealed by Crystal Dynamics, the creators of the Tomb Raider series.


The remastered design has been met with widespread approval from fans, who appreciate the blend of the classic and rebooted Lara designs. The new design features Lara in her classic blue tank top and brown shorts, wielding dual pistols while exploring the wilderness. The face of Lara is much closer to her reboot design, suggesting a perfect fusion of the two styles.


This new design was unveiled on the newly launched Tomb Raider website. The website also introduced the “Society of Raiders”, hinting at a possible storyline for the next game in the series. This has led to speculation that Lara Croft might take on a mentor role for a group of young and inexperienced raiders.


The remastered Tomb Raider trilogy has received glowing reviews from fans, praising its ability to preserve the essence of the original game while seamlessly integrating it into the modern era. The remastered games are available on all gaming platforms, including some older-gen consoles like the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


As we anticipate the return of Tomb Raider later this year, the new Lara Croft design has certainly piqued the interest of fans and gamers alike. What are your thoughts on this new design? Do you think it captures the essence of Lara Croft? We’d love to hear your views.



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