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Dolce & Gabbana X Razer Collaborate To Glam Up Gaming Hardware And Apparel


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The worlds of gaming and high fashion have converged as Razer and Dolce & Gabbana recently announced an exclusive collaboration, showcasing a range of merchandise that blends aesthetics from both realms. This exciting partnership debuted at RazerCon 2023, a gaming event together with media organization OTK.

Central to this range is the Razer Enki chair, an attention-grabbing creation illuminated by RGB lighting. It’s compatible with the Razer Chroma ecosystem, offering gamers a visually immersive experience. With D&G branding and vivid RGB lights gracing both its front and back, the Enki chair takes gaming into the haute couture realm.

It’s essential to note that the concept version of the Enki chair, as displayed, is not available for purchase. This bespoke design was crafted exclusively for this collaboration, so sorry to all the fashion-forward gamers, but it looks like you won’t be making kill shots from a D&G throne anytime soon.

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