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Apple Vision Pro buyers (already) returning headsets

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The digital sphere is currently abuzz with the topic of buyers returning their Apple Vision Pro headsets. This trend has been sparked by early adopters of the Apple Vision Pro deciding to return their spatial computers as the 14-day return policy nears its expiration. The reasons behind these returns are multifaceted and have stirred up a lively online discussion.


One of the primary reasons cited by users for returning the Vision Pro is discomfort. Users have reported issues such as headaches and eye strain, making the device uncomfortable to wear for extended periods. This has led to a wave of returns, despite the Vision Pro being hailed as a groundbreaking piece of technology.


Another significant factor contributing to the returns is the hefty price tag of the Vision Pro. With a cost of around $3,500, some buyers are experiencing buyer’s remorse. The high price point, coupled with the device’s current shortcomings, has led to a surge in returns.


Despite these setbacks, it’s important to remember that the Vision Pro is a first-generation device, primarily intended for developers and tech enthusiasts. As such, some teething problems are to be expected. However, the number of returns has raised questions about whether the Vision Pro is ready for the mainstream market.


In conclusion, the trend of buyers returning their Vision Pros is a complex issue, rooted in both the device’s current limitations and its high cost. As the conversation continues to evolve, one can’t help but wonder: Will these initial setbacks impact the long-term success of the Vision Pro? What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe the Vision Pro is a worthwhile investment despite its current challenges?



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