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Elon Musk vs. Sam Altman: “Turning non-profit into profit-making closed source company”

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The online world is currently buzzing with the trending topic of Elon Musk and Sam Altman’s feud over OpenAI’s transition from a non-profit to a closed-source, profit-making company. This shift has sparked a heated debate, with Musk, one of the initial founders of OpenAI, expressing his disappointment and criticism.


Elon Musk and Sam Altman, once friends and collaborators, have found themselves at odds since Musk’s departure from OpenAI in 2018. Musk has been vocal about his disapproval of OpenAI’s profit-making structure and its association with Microsoft. The unveiling of OpenAI’s new AI model, Sora, has reignited this disagreement.



Musk, who had envisioned OpenAI as an open-source, non-profit entity serving as a counterweight to tech giants like Google, has expressed his discontent with the organization’s current direction. He has accused OpenAI of becoming a "closed source, maximum-profit company effectively controlled by Microsoft".


This controversy has stirred up a storm on the internet, with netizens divided over the issue. Some support Musk’s stance on keeping AI open-source and non-profit, while others argue that a profit-making model could drive innovation and progress in AI technology.


As the debate continues to rage, one can’t help but wonder: What does the future hold for AI development? Will the profit-making model prevail, or will the call for open-source, non-profit AI gain momentum? What do you think about this ongoing feud between Elon Musk and Sam Altman? Share your thoughts in the comments below.




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