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Some Vision Pro headsets are reportedly showing cracks at the same spot

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Image: Apple


A handful of Apple Vision Pro owners have reported an unexpected issue with their high-end $3,500 headsets. Despite having never been dropped or mishandled, their devices have developed a hairline crack down the middle of the front cover glass.


The first report of this issue surfaced on the subreddit /r/VisionPro early February and several more have appeared subsequently. All of the images show a distinctly similar vertical hairline crack above the nose bridge, suggesting that the damage is occurring at a particular point of tension. This has led to speculation that the problem may be due to an overheating issue or pressure exerted on the glass when tightening the straps.


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Despite the growing number of reports, this issue does not seem to be widespread. It is quite possibly a manufacturing defect limited to a small batch of units. However, the affected owners who have contacted Apple Support have been asked to pay the repair costs, as the crack has not officially been identified as a manufacturing defect.


This unexpected issue has sparked a flurry of discussions and debates among tech enthusiasts and Apple Vision Pro users. The question now is, will Apple acknowledge this as a manufacturing defect and introduce a special repair program? Or will the affected users have to bear the repair costs?


What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think Apple should take responsibility for the hairline cracks in the Apple Vision Pro? Share your views in the comments below.



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