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[WATCH] Elon Musk shares new video of Optimus robot just ‘strolling around’ like any human

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Image: Tesla


In a captivating video that has set the internet abuzz, Elon Musk, the visionary billionaire behind Tesla and SpaceX, recently unveiled the remarkable capabilities of Optimus, Tesla’s humanoid robot. The footage showcases Optimus confidently walking unassisted on the bustling factory floor, a display of technological prowess that has sparked bold comparisons and controversies.




Optimus, with its remarkably human-like gait, strides independently for an impressive 1 minute and 18 seconds. This achievement represents a significant leap forward from its initial jittery and robotic movements, as seen in earlier demonstrations. The robot’s fluid motion and agility have left viewers both intrigued and curious about its potential applications.


Designed with Tesla’s own motors, controllers, and electronics, Optimus is set to use the same software as Tesla’s full self-driving cars. Elon Musk envisions a future where millions of Optimus units will be produced and sold for $20,000 or less. The humanoid robot’s versatility and adaptability raise intriguing questions: Will Optimus revolutionize manufacturing, assist in hazardous tasks, or become an everyday companion?


Now, dear reader, we invite you to share your thoughts: What do you think about Optimus and its capabilities? Is this the dawn of a new era in robotics, or do you harbor reservations? Join the conversation and let us know! 🤖🌟

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