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New ‘Super DVD’ can store a million movies (Who said DVDs are dead?)

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In the realm of data storage, a groundbreaking development has been making waves online. Scientists have invented a new type of optical DVD that can hold up to a petabyte of data. This so-called “super DVD” is capable of storing the equivalent of nearly a quarter-million DVDs, or in more relatable terms, approximately a million movies.


The current DVDs, with a storage capacity of about 4.5 GB, can contain about 2 hours of video footage. However, this new disc, developed by researchers from China, can hold up to a petabyte of data. This is equivalent to more than 220,000 regular DVD discs, a leap in data storage that is truly mind-boggling.


The secret behind this massive storage capacity lies in the disc’s structure. Unlike traditional DVDs that store data in a single layer, this new disc stores data in 3D, with up to 100 layers. This has been achieved by developing a special coating and using new laser techniques to write data.


This development could be a game-changer for lovers of physical media. Just one of these “super DVDs” could contain up to a million movies. However, it also raises questions about the potential for excessive binge-watching.


While the invention is promising, there are still challenges to overcome before these DVDs can be commercialized. The current process of writing data to the disc is slow and energy-intensive. However, the research team is optimistic that these issues can be addressed.


As we marvel at this leap in data storage technology, one can’t help but wonder: How will this change our consumption of media? Will this lead to an era of unprecedented binge-watching, or will it open up new possibilities for data storage and accessibility? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this. What do you think the impact of this “super DVD” will be?



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Top image: Aprescindere | Dreamstime.com


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