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4 Online Courses to Master Tattoo Art & Design

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Ever dreamed of expressing your artistic talents through the captivating world of tattooing? Whether you're a seasoned artist or an aspiring creative mind, these curated online courses offer a gateway to honing your skills and igniting your passion for tattoo art and design. Here's a glimpse into what awaits you:


1. Master Tattoo Class

This course is designed for artists who want to master the art of tattooing. With over 10 years of experience, the instructor, Kevo, believes that if you can draw, paint, or understand any visual art, you have the tools needed to tattoo. The course aims to advance your tattooing skills and provide you with a better understanding of the art form. It’s perfect for anyone interested in tattoo artistry, skin treatment, and tattoo design.


2. Corel Draw Masterclass / Graphic Design for Beginners 

This comprehensive course by instructor, Lily Lu, focuses on the most important tools and functions of Corel Draw to help you create your own designs, graphics, and layouts. Whether you’re crafting art, designing logos, creating tattoo designs, or producing promotional graphics, this course sets the foundation for a vibrant journey into graphic design and tattoo artistry.


3. Portrait Tattoo Blueprint: Editing, Designing and Testing

This course invites you into an intriguing world of portrait tattooing. It navigates you through the journey of converting a basic photograph into a breathtaking, vibrant piece of skin art. The course encompasses subjects such as improving portrait photos, turning ordinary portrait photos into extraordinary tattoo designs, and the best and worst body placements and sizes for portrait tattoos. 


4. Photoshop for Tattooists and Those Who Want to Become One

This course empowers you to harness the power of Photoshop for creating stunning tattoo designs. Instructor, Ralf Imdahl, a seasoned tattoo artist, shares his decade-long experience and focuses on the essential Photoshop tools and functions that he uses to create remarkable tattoo templates. Ideal for both budding and experienced tattoo artists, this course allows you to save time and cater to more customers. It's suitable for those interested in tattoo template creation, digital art, and graphic design.


Have you already embarked on your tattoo design journey? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below.


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