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In a dramatic turn of events, OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research lab, has made public a series of emails from Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. These emails suggest that Musk had a keen interest in gaining full control over the company. This revelation comes amidst a lawsuit filed by Musk against OpenAI, alleging a breach of agreement when the organization transitioned into a for-profit entity.


The emails shared by OpenAI indicate that Musk was not only aware of but also supported the company’s plans to become a for-profit entity. Furthermore, he suggested a potential merger with Tesla and said the AI upstart needed to raise “billions per year”. However, when his proposals were not met, Musk decided to part ways with OpenAI and establish his own competitor in the field of artificial general intelligence (AGI) within Tesla.


OpenAI’s response to Musk’s lawsuit has been firm and assertive. The organization has refuted Musk’s claims and intends to dismiss all of his allegations. The emails shared by OpenAI provide a contrasting narrative to Musk’s lawsuit, indicating that he was in favor of OpenAI’s transition to a for-profit model until he realized he couldn’t be in control.


This unfolding drama between Musk and OpenAI raises several questions about the future of artificial intelligence, the ethics of open-source technology, and the role of influential individuals in shaping the direction of technological advancements.


What are your thoughts on this matter? Do you think Musk’s desire for control over OpenAI is justified, or do you believe in the importance of maintaining a level playing field in the realm of artificial intelligence? Share your views in the comments below.



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Top images: Frédéric Legrand | Dreamstime.com (left), Vmiranda78 | Dreamstime.com (right)


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