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Nikon acquires RED.com, expands into digital cinema camera market

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Nikon Corporation, a leading name in the world of photography, has announced its acquisition of RED.com. This move marks Nikon’s strategic entry into the professional digital cinema camera market.


RED.com, established in 2005, has been a pioneer in the digital cinema camera industry. With its innovative products ranging from the original RED ONE 4K to the cutting-edge V-RAPTOR [X], RED has revolutionized the film industry. Its proprietary RAW compression technology and commitment to image quality have earned it an Academy Award and made it the camera of choice for numerous Hollywood productions.


The acquisition agreement was reached with RED’s founder, Mr. James Jannard, and its current President, Mr. Jarred Land. As a result of this acquisition, RED will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nikon. This merger combines Nikon’s expertise in product development, image processing, optical technology, and user interface with RED’s knowledge in cinema cameras.


Nikon aims to leverage this acquisition to expand in the fast-growing professional digital cinema camera market. The merger promises an exciting future of product development that will continue to push the boundaries of film and video production.


This strategic partnership is expected to bring about a new era of innovation and excellence in the professional filmmaking sector. With Nikon’s extensive history and RED’s revolutionary technologies, the future of digital cinema looks promising.


What are your thoughts on this landmark acquisition? Do you think this merger will redefine the landscape of the professional digital cinema camera market?



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Top image: Mohamed Ahmed Soliman | Dreamstime.com


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