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IBM slashes marketing and communications jobs amid ‘workforce rebalance’ and AI push


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IBM, a leading multinational technology company, is reportedly making further job cuts, this time in its marketing and communications division. The news, which was initially reported by CNBC, has sparked discussions about the future of employment in the tech sector.


IBM’s Chief Communications Officer, Jonathan Adashek, led a roughly seven-minute meeting to break the news to the employees. This move is seen as part of IBM’s ongoing ‘workforce rebalance’, a strategy that has been in the headlines for its rounds of voluntary layoffs.


This announcement comes on the heels of IBM CEO Arvind Krishna’s statement in December about "massively upskilling all of our employees on AI". This was after IBM announced a plan to replace nearly 8,000 jobs with AI. The latest cuts are another round of downsizing in the tech industry, which has seen almost 50,000 jobs cut by some 204 tech companies so far this year.


The implications of these job cuts extend beyond IBM. They raise questions about the broader tech industry’s employment trends and the increasing role of artificial intelligence in the workplace. As IBM continues to navigate its path in the tech world, one can’t help but wonder what the future holds for its employees and the industry at large.


What are your thoughts on IBM’s decision to cut jobs in its marketing and communications division? How do you see this impacting the tech industry’s employment landscape in the long run?



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Top image: Julius Kielaitis | Dreamstime.com

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