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OpenAI to make Sora available to public "definitely this year"

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OpenAI has recently made waves with the announcement of its latest innovation, Sora. Named after the Japanese term for “sky”, Sora is a revolutionary text-to-video generator that can create realistic video footage up to a minute long, based on user instructions regarding both content and style.


In an interview with Wall Street Journal, OpenAI’s Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati revealed that Sora will be made available to the public “definitely this year, but could be a few months.” A few hints of what data went into the training of the AI model also surfaced in the conversation.



The public launch of Sora has been met with both excitement and caution. The potential implications of such advanced technology have raised concerns about job displacement in industries such as Hollywood and the spread of misinformation. To address these concerns, OpenAI has implemented several safety measures, including adversarial testing of the model by domain experts, and the addition of a watermark and metadata to all video clips produced by Sora.


However, Sora is not without its limitations. The technology currently struggles with certain tasks, such as rendering the movement of hands or cars. Moreover, Sora is currently unable to generate images of public figures, limiting its potential for misuse in creating deepfakes.


In conclusion, the forthcoming release of OpenAI’s Sora marks a significant milestone in the realm of AI. As we await the public availability of this text-to-video generator, it raises intriguing questions about the potential impact of such technology on our society. How do you envision Sora influencing the future of content creation? We invite you to share your thoughts.



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Image: OpenAI

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