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Apple plans to rebrand 'Apple ID' in the new iOS and Mac updates this fall

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Apple is reportedly planning to rebrand its well-known Apple ID to the more descriptive “Apple Account” sometime this year. This change is expected to be implemented alongside the release of iOS 18, likely around fall 2024.


Whispers of the rebrand first surfaced in February 2024, and tech insiders like Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman have fueled the fire. The official announcement is likely to happen at Apple’s upcoming World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) this June.


By fall, we can expect to see “Apple Account” seamlessly integrated into iOS 18 and other software updates like macOS 15.


Apple might even ditch “Apple ID” entirely within a year, making “Account” the new king of the login jungle.


So, why the name change? The exact reasons remain under wraps, but it could be a move towards clarity. “Apple Account” is a more straightforward term, encompassing the vast array of services users can access with their login, like the App Store, iCloud, and Apple Music. It also brings Apple in line with competitors like Google, which uses “Google Account” for its user login system.


This might seem like a minor tweak, but a clear and consistent name can improve user experience by making it easier for people to understand what their account unlocks. Plus, it aligns with Apple’s existing terminology—it already refers to account balances as “Apple Account balance.”




Image: Boumenjapet | Dreamstime.com

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