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OpenAI unveils voice-cloning AI that could generate fake speeches from a mere 15-second audio sample

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OpenAI has recently unveiled a new voice-cloning tool, named ‘Voice Engine’, that is capable of mimicking any voice from a brief 15-second audio sample. The result is a synthetic voice that delivers “natural-sounding speech” with emotive and realistic vocal nuances.


The development of Voice Engine has been a closely guarded secret, with OpenAI taking a cautious approach to its release. The company has expressed concerns about the potential misuse of synthetic voice technology, particularly in the context of creating audio deep fakes. As such, OpenAI plans to keep the technology tightly controlled until adequate safeguards are in place.


Interestingly, the technology behind Voice Engine has been hiding in plain sight. The same generative AI model powers the ‘read aloud’ capabilities in ChatGPT, OpenAI’s AI-powered chatbot. It’s also used in the preset voices available in OpenAI’s text-to-speech API.


Despite the impressive capabilities of Voice Engine, OpenAI has made it clear that the technology will not be publicly available just yet. This decision allows the company time to monitor how the model is used and potentially abused. Jeff Harris, a member of the product staff at OpenAI, emphasized the importance of understanding the landscape of where this tech could be dangerous and ensuring that mitigations are in place.


In conclusion, OpenAI’s unveiling of Voice Engine marks a significant milestone in the field of voice-cloning technology. However, it also raises important questions about the ethical implications of such technology. Do you think the benefits outweigh the potential risks? Share your views in the comments below.



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Image: Rafael Henrique | Dreamstime.com

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