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OpenAI makes ChatGPT available to use even without an account—with a few tweaks

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OpenAI has announced it is allowing instant access to ChatGPT without the need to sign in or even an account.


Beginning April 1, you can engage with ChatGPT immediately. Simply visit the ChatGPT Free page and begin a conversation right away—no hoops to jump through, no credentials needed.


While this frictionless experience opens doors for countless users, there’s a trade-off. By using ChatGPT without an account, you contribute to improving the model for everyone. Your interactions may be used to enhance the AI’s capabilities.


But fear not—you still have control. You can head to Settings to toggle this feature on or off.





Creating an account still offers perks. By signing up, you gain access to features like chat history storage, sharing conversations, and unlocking voice interactions. It’s a gateway to a richer AI experience.


Else, OpenAI has implemented additional content safeguards for this account-free experience so that the chatbot doesn’t get misused. Certain prompts and generated responses are now blocked across a wider range of categories. 



Images: Adrian Vidal | Dreamstime.com and OpenAI

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