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Apple is said to be developing personal home robots (after killing car project)

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Apple is reportedly exploring the realm of personal home robots. This move comes after the company abandoned its plans to develop an electric vehicle. The focus on robotics is seen as an attempt to discover the next big thing in the tech market.


The company is said to be in the early stages of developing a mobile robot that can follow users around their homes. This robot is part of Apple’s broader exploration into personal robotics. In addition to the mobile robot, Apple has reportedly developed a tabletop device that uses a robot to move a screen around. The idea behind this device is to mimic head movements and lock onto a single person in a group, potentially enhancing the video call experience.


Despite the exciting prospects, the home robot project is still in its early research and development phase. The company is also grappling with the question of whether people would be willing to pay top dollar for the robots it has in mind. This uncertainty has led to disagreements among Apple executives over whether to continue with these projects.


Apple’s exploration into home robots represents a significant shift in the company’s product line. However, it also raises an intriguing question: Will personal home robots become the next must-have gadget in our homes? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this. 



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