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Apple confirms layoffs of 600+ employees in California


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Apple has confirmed plans that it is laying off more than 600 employees. This decision comes in the wake of the cancellation of the long-anticipated Apple Car project. The layoffs are set to affect workers across eight different facilities in Santa Clara, California, a region close to Apple’s Cupertino headquarters.


The layoffs were officially announced to the workers on March 28, and the changes are expected to take effect from May 27. This marks the company’s first significant round of job cuts since the pandemic. The positions that were cut span a range of roles, including machine shop managers, hardware engineers, and product design engineers.


The cancellation of the Apple Car project appears to be the primary driver behind these layoffs. The ambitious project aimed to build an electric, self-driving car. However, after years of development, Apple decided to pull the plug on the project. 


The recent layoffs at Apple highlight the challenges and uncertainties that even tech giants face when venturing into new territories. As Apple navigates through this transition, it raises a thought-provoking question: How will these layoffs impact Apple’s future innovation strategies and its standing in the tech industry? We invite you to share your thoughts and perspectives on this topic.



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Image: Sergii Figurnyi | Dreamstime.com


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