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'The Book of Colour Concepts': A comprehensive guide to the evolution of color theory


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Calling all color enthusiasts, designers, and artists! Ever wondered how color theory has shaped the visual landscape throughout history? Taschen's new release, 'The Book of Colour Concepts' promises a vibrant journey that will transform your understanding of color.



Unlike dry textbooks filled with dense theory, this book takes you on a chromatic odyssey.  Imagine yourself embarking on a quest to understand color, not through sterile pages, but through a collection of over 65 rare books and manuscripts curated from prestigious institutions worldwide. These treasures, spanning centuries, provide a window into the evolution of color theory. Explore centuries-old treatises by pioneers like Isaac Newton and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and marvel at meticulously crafted charts and historical color wheels developed by the Bauhaus.




This two-volume work is more than a historical survey. It serves as a practical guide for mastering the language of color. The book explores the captivating relationships between hues, delving into concepts like complementary colors and visual perception. It also examines the cultural and emotional significance attributed to different colors, providing invaluable insights for creatives across disciplines.


With over 1,000 images, the book showcases the diverse ways color theory has been visualized throughout history. It presents a visual feast of color wheels, polychrome charts, and meticulous diagrams, complementing the insightful text.




While the book highlights seminal works, it also uncovers lesser-known contributions to color theory. You can explore theosophical color systems from Charles Webster Leadbeater and Annie Besant, delve into the comprehensive color dictionary of Aloys John Maerz and Morris Rea Paul, and immerse yourself in the patchwork combinations explored by Japanese costume designer and artist Sanzō Wada.


The book also illuminates the significant yet often overlooked contributions of women to color theory. It features the innovative color "blots" of English flower painter Mary Gartside and a botanical notebook by spiritualist Hilma af Klint.




‘The Book of Colour Concepts’ is an essential addition to the library of anyone captivated by color or aiming to broaden their understanding of color theory. Don’t miss out on this enlightening journey through the world of color. You can secure your copy here.


Images: Taschen

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