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Rolex CEO warns against likening watches to stocks: it’s “dangerous”


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In a rare interview with the prestigious Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) ahead of the Watches and Wonders Geneva trade show, Rolex CEO Jean-Frédéric Dufour cautioned against viewing luxury timepieces as mere investment vehicles. Dufour emphasized the inherent dangers of treating watches like stocks, which prioritize short-term gains over long-term value and brand heritage.


“I don’t like it when people compare watches with stocks,” Dufour told NZZ. “This sends the wrong message and is dangerous.”


Dufour’s comments highlight a growing tension within the luxury watch industry.


While Rolex and other high-end brands have experienced surging demand in recent years, some fear a speculative bubble fueled by flippers—those who buy watches solely to resell them for a quick profit. This not only frustrates genuine watch enthusiasts who struggle to obtain new models at retail prices, but it also risks devaluing the craftsmanship and heritage that Rolex has cultivated for over a century.




Image: John6863373 | Dreamstime.com

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