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Samsung reclaims title of world's top smartphone maker from Apple after outselling iPhones


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Samsung has regained its throne as the world’s top smartphone maker, outpacing Apple in the first quarter of 2024. This shift in power comes just a quarter after Apple had dethroned Samsung, ending its 12-year reign.


Samsung’s resurgence can be attributed to the impressive sales of the Galaxy S24 series, launched in January earlier this year. Despite a slight dip of 0.7% in global shipments from the previous year, Samsung managed to sell over 60 million smartphones in Q1 2024. This achievement is particularly noteworthy considering the challenging market conditions and economic uncertainties.


On the other hand, Apple witnessed a steeper decline of 9.6% in sales compared to Q1 2023, selling 50.1 million iPhones in Q1 2024. This drop in sales may have been influenced by a slower-than-expected recovery in China, the world’s largest smartphone market.


The global smartphone market saw an overall increase of 7.8% in shipments during January-March, with Samsung clinching a 20.8% market share. This resurgence of Samsung has stirred the global smartphone market, making it a space to watch in the coming quarters.


Will Samsung be able to maintain its lead over Apple in the coming quarters? Or will we see another twist in this ongoing rivalry? We invite you to share your thoughts and predictions in the comments below.



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Image: Baoshengrulai | Dreamstime.com

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