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April 21: World Creativity and Innovation Day 2024

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On April 21, the globe celebrates an extraordinary occasion, World Creativity and Innovation Day. This annual event, recognized by the United Nations, emphasizes the crucial role of creativity and innovation in human development.


The day was first observed by citizens and organizations in over 50 countries in 2002. The United Nations formally established the day to promote the importance of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development, both at the individual and group levels.



This year, Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) held an event in Hanoi on Friday April 19 to respond to the World Creativity and Innovation Day. The event aimed to enhance public awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in socio-economic development.


Creativity and innovation are not just about artistic expression. They are also about problem-solving in the context of economic, social, and sustainable development. Creativity is the ability to conceive new ideas or new spins on old ideas. Innovation, on the other hand, is actionable. It involves implementing ideas to produce something useful.


The Nigerian Film Corporation (NFC) has commended filmmakers for their commitment, doggedness, ingenuity, and sacrifices towards the development and growth of Nigeria’s creative economy. This highlights the transformative power of the creative industries in terms of income generation, job creation, and export earnings.


As we celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day, let’s remember that human creativity and innovation, at both the individual and group levels, have become the true wealth of nations in the twenty-first century.



How will you harness your creativity and innovation to make a difference in your community? Share your thoughts and let’s celebrate the power of creativity together!



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Image: World Creativity and Innovation

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